
Automatic Sprinkler System using Arduino
G M Barbade1, Mahajan Vasudha2, Pasarge Sanika3, Shinde Sandhya4

1Mr. G. M. Barbade, Lecturer, Department of Electrical, Government Polytechnic, Nanded (Maharashtra), India.

2Miss. Mahajan Vasudha Ganesh, Student, Department of Electrical, Government Polytechnic, Nanded (Maharashtra), India.

3Miss. Pasarge Sanika Shivraj, Student, Department of Electrical, Government Polytechnic, Nanded (Maharashtra), India.

4Miss. Shinde Sandhya Bharat, Student, Department of Electrical, Government Polytechnic, Nanded (Maharashtra), India.

Manuscript received on 04 June 2021 | Revised Manuscript received on 03 July 2021 | Manuscript Accepted on 15 September 2021 | Manuscript published on 30 September 2021 | PP: 12-16 | Volume-1 Issue-2, September 2021 | Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijmm.B1712091221 | DOI: 10.54105/ijmm.B1712.091221

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Abstract: This paper focuses on a smart sprinkler irrigation system that is less costly and any farmer used in farm division. In 21century where automation is playing the most important role in the life of human. Automation allows us to control Appliances with automatic control. Automation gives comfort, Increase efficiency as well as save time. Nowadays, most of the industries are used Automation and control mechanism which is expensive for cost and does not suitable for use in a farm sector. In present days, food shortage and water shortages Occur due to the increase in population. To avoid the problem. we have to encourage the agriculture sector. Water Wastage is more in the farming sector. Watering the agricultural fields through irrigation by using this type of method we can save water. In this project, we make an automatic plant sprinkler irrigation system that has to be designed. The system consist relay, Arduino and moisture sensor. The moisture sensor senses the dryness and wetness of the soil. Then Arduino works as per instruction of moisture sensor and system control by Arduino UNO. This project design and development of an automatic plant watering system that is being used to protect a plant because of the reason that doesn’t get enough water for its growth. In everyday work related to gardening, watering is the most important work. The system created an automatic Plant watering system to minimize manual activities and making gardener’s work easier.

Keywords: Arduino, Relay, Sprinkler Hub, Solenoid Valve, Soil Moisture Sensor.
Scope of the Article: Microprocessor and Microcontroller System